To promote the programs, events, and worship opportunities of the Church.  To utilize the website, social media, print and other media, flyers and posters to communicate to the community how the Church is doing God’s work.


This committee is involved in teaching and learning, practice and being, which is for young and old alike. Faith Formation includes education, but includes many more experiences than classes – worship participation and inter-generational activities help form faith.


To educate the faith community on issues and projects pertaining to the overall mission of the church.  To recruit volunteer involvement and financial support for local, national, and worldwide missions.

The goal of the Planned Giving Committee is to encourage Church members to consider planned gifts to the Church during their lifetime or through their estates. Such gifts can be designated for specific purposes or left undesignated. The Pilgrim Heritage Fund (PHF) exists as an established means to receive and distribute undesignated gifts and bequests. The Planned Giving Committee administers the PHF. The purpose the PHF is to enhance the mission of Somers Community U.C.C. by awarding grants for Christian education, community outreach, identity (including capital expenditures) and missions projects. This fund is separate from the annual operating budget and stewardship.


It is the work of the property committee to oversee the maintenance of the church property and grounds and make all necessary repairs to keep the church property in good repair.

The Relationships Committee are charged with the task of serving as confidential liaison between the Pastor, professional staff, and church members for the purpose of advice, support, advocacy, and evaluation. We also keep the membership records up to date, fill the positions of officers and committee members, and provide a budget to the Resource Committee at the end of the year.


Coordinate the financial needs of the church. Prepare an annual itemized budget for approval by the church.  Collects and disburse the funds of the church.   Provide an annual report of all financial activities (receipts, disbursements, and investments) to the church.  Advise the church on financial transactions.


Serve as a resource team in planning worship with the Pastor.  Acquire, place, and dispose of flower arrangements and special decorations.  Assist the pastor in planning the schedule for the observance of the Lord’s Supper.

Fund “A” to provide funds for maintenance and expansion of the Somers Community United Church of Christ facilities and Foundation operating expenses. Fund “B” to provide funds for community programs which further the purposes of the Foundation. Fund “D” to provided funds for a designated purposes as specified by the donor.